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Collecting and Visualizing Data with the Particle Photon and P5.js (Session 2 of 5)

The Particle Photon is a simple, powerful, WiFi connected microcontroller board and prototyping platform for building DIY electronics devices that talk to the web.  P5.js is a set of javascript tools and libraries designed to make coding accessible for artists, designers, educators, and beginners.

The Particle Photon makes it possible for us to build devices that collect data from sensors and publish this data to the web.  P5.js makes it easy for us to read, interpret, and visualize this data. Over the five sessions of this class we will build a device to monitor basic environmental data using low-cost sensors (temperature, humidity, light, sound) and write code to visualize and animate this data.  

Because we will be building a device and writing software to interface with it, each session of this class will depend on the work done in the previous sessions -- while missing classes is sometimes unavoidable, students are strongly encouraged to attend every session of the class so they understand the whole project.

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