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FabVille Maker Showcase

  • Fabville at Somerville High School 81 Highland Avenue Somerville, MA, 02143 (map)

FabVille is hosting a Maker Showcase on Thursday, May 19th 5-9 PM in our design lab at Somerville High School. We are looking to celebrate and highlight the community and amazing wonders of making. Businesses, Individuals, VC-backed start ups, and artists are welcome!


  • Hands on Demonstrations

  • Tabling : Selling and promoting wares/services.

  • Machine Demos

  • Refreshments: Tasty snacks and drinks will be available free of charge!


  • 8 to 10 Speakers 10-20min each

There will be no machine demonstrations at this point. However, tablers are welcome to attend the talks or continue to table.


  • Giveaway

  • Social and Networking: Develop lasting connections with folks who share your creative passions.

  • Refreshments: Tasty snacks and drinks will be available free of charge!

  • Tabling : Selling and promoting wares/services.

Free event, register at:


  • Mike Maloney - Somerville High School

    • During Mike’s Maker Talk, he will talk about his path to becoming a teacher of AP Physics and Engineering at Somerville High School (SHS). Additionally, he will describe how the tools at FabVille are an asset in the classroom, to students and teachers alike. Lastly, he’ll share some of the projects that his students made at FabVille as well as a few of his own creations. 

  • Highlanders Robotics - First Robotics

    • Over 2000 hours of building and prototyping went into the development of Bonk, the First Robotics team competition Robot. Come and meet members of the Robotics team, learn more about First Robotics, and see Bonk demonstrate their ball launching and pull up abilities at the FabVille Maker Showcase. 

  • Joseph Okor - The Role Of Community Makerspaces in the Development of the Skills for the Future 

    • One time or the other, we've all been frustrated by the products and services we use. Most of the frustration comes from the user interface to these devices or services. The outcome of this frustration is that we don't get the best from these devices or services. Several emerging developments are about to change that. It would now be possible to customize these user interfaces, as a result it would be possible to use these devices in ways that the  manufacturer didn't even imagine. To be able to do that, you will need to learn how to program. Furthermore, any "kid" who wants to pursue a career in STEAM (Science, Technology, Math, Art, Math) will also need to have hands-on experience with CAD (Computer Aided Design) software and Electronics. These are hands-on skills, and the educational system is ill-suited to offer training in these skills. The alternative is a community based Makerspaces. The acquisition of these skills also provide entry level job opportunities. The Makerspaces also acts as a place where the community can have hands-on experience with technology, borrow tools, etc.

  • Nick Anastasia - Rethinking Design for Digital Fabrication

    • Nick will talk about how to take advantage of the benefits of digital design and fabrication to rethink traditional construction methods. He will demonstrate this with a case study on a piece of parkour equipment that he redesigned to be made with a CNC machine and assembled with no fasteners. He will also present some tips and tricks for your own design projects.

  • Sophie Adams - StarandStitch

    • Sophie will speak about how starting her own small business, StarAndStitch, that combined her embroidery art and love for wearable tech hardware, has shifted and changed over time. She will talk about how one project has led into the next, and how she has expanded and grown upon techniques and ideas to create a fully functional shirt that visualizes meteor strikes in real time. She will close out by discussing where she wants to take StarAndStitch and her Scientific Fashion Collection in the future, and her plans to expand her data visualization into installation art.

    • Sophie (she/her) is a physical artist who works at the intersection of art, technology, and science, particularly astronomy. Her pieces reflect her own curiosity, to spark questions in the viewer about the science behind the world we live in. Her work is often shaped by her dual focus as a queer woman on the roles of gender and sexuality in society. Previously, she was an artist in residence within the University of Colorado, Boulder's Astrophysical and Planetary Science Department, ran multiple creative projects at the Fiske Planetarium, and graduated in the spring of 2021 with a BS in Technology, Arts and Media from CU's Engineering School. She has taught various classes focused on teaching coding, physical computing, and wearable technology to both students and adults. She has also hosted talks and ran classes focused on astrophotography and experimental photography. Sophie has instructed classes right here at FabVille and will continue to run classes at both FabVille and Artisans Asylum in the future. Currently, she is the Member Services Director at Artisan's Asylum in Boston, MA, runs StarAndStitch, and is a freelance photographer.

  • Abby & Eric - Myrth

    •  Myrth Ceramics designs and manufactures high quality handmade porcelain dinnerware, drinkware, and vase in the heart of Union Square.  Myrth will share how they blend traditional ceramic manufacturing techniques with rapid prototyping and machine techniques to create their products.

  • Jerry Ni - Puma

    • Jerry Ni, Sr. Team Head of 3d CAD & Footwear Product Testing at Puma North America. Jerry leads a team of 3d CAD Engineers and Fit & Wear Analysts. Together, they work with developers to bring designers 2d concepts to 3d objects and to 3d printed models, and from confirmed 3d models to opening sample molds and creating finished products. Then test and validate their performance footwear for elite athletes and everyday consumers. In this talk Jerry will go into depth on each stage of this process.

  • And more!


Want to help make this night a success!

We need volunteers to join us on Thursday, May 19th from 4pm to 9:30pm to help set up as well as speak and/or table at FabVille’s first ever showcase. Let’s make it an amazing night!

Want to volunteer, you can sign-up here!


Earlier Event: May 12
Laser Cutting: 2D to 3D
Later Event: May 23
Intro to Lightburn