This is an intermediate class to learn Computer Aided Design (CAD) using Autodesk's Fusion360 product. The instructor, Chaz Hing, has used Fusion360 professionally in his first company since 2015; the class is especially for other entrepreneurs who want to learn the beginnings of every company : Product ideation and development.
The class will have a focus on designing for 3D printing and other manufacturing types (like lasers and CNC). This class is for those that want really have the ability to turn an idea into reality, but don't really have the experience. This class will be focusing on the CAD design workflow that Chaz has developed over his years of innovation. This class is also suitable for intermediate users of different CAD software’s like TinkerCAD, Solidworks, Blendr, SketchUp, etc. that want to learn the nuances of designing in Fusion360.
The class has three parts, and a set of video tutorials. The students will gain access to a private YouTube channel that contain examples of my design process as I design things for real life applications and have you try and replicate them. Class will run through an advanced topic like parametric modeling and having an opportunity for the students to show-n-tell their 3D models with feedback from the instructor and possibly other students. In the masterclass, the instructor is also happy to address related business/entrepreneurial questions like how to market, scale and ultimately commercialize your idea.
Day 1 (12/12) 6-8PM
Day 2 (12/13) 6-8PM
No Class 12/14
Day 3 (12/15) 6-8PM
Free class, register at: